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GSI carried out reconnaissance stage investigation for chromite round Maulabhanj and Tangeria areas in Dhenkanal district, Odisha, alongside the transition zone of Eastern Ghat Cell Belt (Pulverizer suppliers in India)and Iron Ore Super Group towards south of Sukinda ultramafic complex. Massive scale mapping supported by pitting/trenching may set up presence of a linear chromiferous zone over zero.35 sq. km. The visible estimate signifies 20-25{f5f5ae954a8e2bb59032db440446b01ae6f158699d3c50ea5a160f4ef1729565} Cr 2 O3 Earlier, samples collected from previous pits analysed Cr 2 O3 from 29.17 to forty nine.forty three{f5f5ae954a8e2bb59032db440446b01ae6f158699d3c50ea5a160f4ef1729565} and Fe2 O3 from 17.72{f5f5ae954a8e2bb59032db440446b01ae6f158699d3c50ea5a160f4ef1729565} to 34.33{f5f5ae954a8e2bb59032db440446b01ae6f158699d3c50ea5a160f4ef1729565}.

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About Author

55 year-old Science Technicians Kristopher from Cumberland, has numerous hobbies and interests including belly dancing, . and home for habitat for humanity. Finds motivation by visiting Works of Antoni Gaudí.

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